
"Huisong" was officially released in September 2023, after more than 3 years of development in cooperation with Foundertype. It contains more than 7,000 Chinese characters and alphabets, and corrects the details of the conceptualized strokes, welcome to download and try it!

徽文化的视觉符号中,马头墙和翘角最具代表的元素,因此在字体设计中“直角”和“扬翘”的形融入到此款字体的部分笔画中,使之成为字体的独有风格。 徽宋体从传统文化中来,运用现代设计语言的表现,整个字体“刚柔并济”,令人印象深刻。


The Ma Tau wall and cornices are the most representative elements among the visual symbols of the Hui culture, and here their right angle and warp shapes become elements in the strokes of this font inspired by Huizhou, where the designer comes from.

Hometowns are as gentle as mothers, so Huisong was built not only to incorporate local culture, but also to create a warm, delicate, high-end temperament suitable for a female audience, more from a woman's point of view

©方正字库 Foundertype

Hui Song 方正徽宋


Hui Song 方正徽宋
